Shekhar K. Challa, MD
- Board Certified Gastroenterologist in practice since 1987.
- President & Co-Founder, Kansas Medical Clinic, a multi-specialty medical center focused in the areas of Gastroenterology, Dermatology, Neurology, and Pathology.
- Medical Director, Endoscopy Center of Topeka, endoscopic facility specializing in colorectal cancer screening and other digestive concerns.
- Founder, Kansas Association of Gastroenterologists (KAGI), nonprofit association of Kansas area gastroenterologists increasing awareness of colorectal cancer screening.
- Author
- “Winning the Hepatitis C Battle” – Ben Franklin Award Finalist, Readers Preference Award
- “Spurn the Burn – Treat the Heat of Acid Reflux Disease”
- “Probiotics for Dummies” condensed version published 2011
- “Probiotics for Dummies” full detail version available May 2012
- Principle investigator for 17 clinical research trials.
Dr. Shekhar Challa has an approachable and engaging personality with 25 years of distinguished expertise as a Board Certified Gastroenterologist. He went into medicine with a drive of finding new and creative ways to inform the public on digestive health. Dr. Challa enjoys the trusting relationships he has built with thousands of patients throughout his career. By empowering them with knowledge, Dr. Challa believes his patients can overcome any fears in order to receive possible lifesaving treatments and diagnostics.
Dr. Challa went beyond the confines of his medical practice to share his passion for education as the author of several books directed to those who suffer common digestive concerns. His books on Hepatitis C, Acid Reflux Disease, and Probiotics are all written in a practical framework to help his patients and the general public better understand the complexities of digestive health. Knowledge is power, and Dr. Challa believes good healthcare starts with the individual.
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